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Coronavirus Update 17.08.20

Coronavirus Update 17.08.20

21 Aug 2020

Hello, from everyone at City Legal.

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well. We wanted to provide you with a further update, to reassure our clients and partners during this time.

Our office is now back open, however, limited members of our team are working from the office. This is to ensure that we can continue to maintain safe social distancing measures.

We are constantly monitoring and reviewing the situation and will adapt our working operations as required. For the time being the majority of our people continue to work from home.

Our IT systems have enabled us to provide the same high level of security you’ve come to expect and our ISO9001-certified workflows have ensured we have fully audited business continuity procedures in place.

With regards to in-person jobs, such as interpreting, we will continue to arrange all communication remotely and will monitor the situation.

Should you wish to get in touch, our office number 01329 828438, however, please note that we are currently operating with limited staff members.

We wish the very best to all our clients, partners, and their loved ones at this time- stay safe!

With much love,


Team City Legal.